ScreenHunter 7.0.1461 Pro/ 7.0.685 Plus/ 7.0.485 Free

ScreenHunter 7 is an award-winning solution to all-in-one image capture, print, edit and video recording. It’s the total capture solution to save you time and boost productivity.
Also with auto-scroll web pages, auto-capture, webcam and video screen capture. It captures what you see as an image even whilst recording.
It has an easy-to-use interface. All the features are visible in 4 easy-to-use tabs, so everyone from beginners to professionals can use ScreenHunter 7.
The process is simple, the options are easy to manage, and the results are flawless. Powerful and intelligent, ScreenHunter has proven to be an incomparable helper of your business.
The software supports full screen capture up to 6K for multiple monitors and records 4K videos for a single monitor. Supports frame rate up to 100 fps.
Using DirectX lets ScreenHunter 7 produce professional quality videos. It is a perfect tool for recording movies and courses online.
ScreenHunter All Features:
Moreover, the program captures and records windows covered by another window or even minimized windows. Optimal for automatic or scheduled captures and recording.
In addition, you can show your webcam anywhere at any given time, so you can integrate it into your recording the way you want.
ScreenHunter Pro 7 is the most advanced version with all the necessary tools included for your screen capture needs. It’s the total capture solution to save you time and boost productivity. With this tool, you can capture screen to image or PDF files, immediately see the benefits of numerous time-saving features and deliver the highest quality screenshots. As well, it offers easy-to-use user interface and maximum flexibility for a more interactive capture experience.
Changes in ScreenHunter 7 Pro 7.0.1461 (2024-04-08):
- Windows 11 native functionality was applied to make it faster
- Updated using the latest Code Signing certificate
- Improved Image Editor Saving Files when exiting the app.
- Improved Fixed area capture expanded to include zero and negative coordinates:
Changes in ScreenHunter 7 Pro 7.0.1449 (2023-03-14):
- Improved ScreenDraw using a hotkey and screen capture operations
- Stability improvements
- Fixed a “Mix Two Images” bug
- Improved Desktop Toolbar
- Improved memory management for captures.
- After editing an object, copy & paste to other apps will take the the entire image as default
- Fixed an arrow object copy&paste direction change bug
- Improved delayed capture
- Improved recording sound quality
- Fixed a Desktop Toolbar bug on Windows 11 that may not slide out to show
- In Image Editor, improved paint tool speed in zoomed images
- Improved hotkey capture operations
- Improved copy & paste objects between images in Image Editor
- Improved mouse pointer shape and color when capturing
- Fixed a ScreenDraw bug
- Improved auto scroll to capture scrolling windows with a fixed header on top
- Improved sound notification on capture complete
- Improved flood fill accuracy when the image is zoomed 16x
- Image Editor copy&paste operations to both bitmap & objects as default. Added ‘Cut Bitmap Only’ to the menu
- New in Image Editor – Freehand selection supports color with opacity
- Cropping will keep objects in position with bitmap
- Improved cursor quality in Image Editor
- Fixed a Symbol dialog display bug when the image is zoomed
- Fixed short help messages in Image Editor
Changes in ScreenHunter 7 Pro 7.0.1419 (May 31, 2022):
- New – Maximum screenshot size to 25,000 x 25,000 pixels
- Improved full screen recording on 4k monitors
- New – Use selection as a mask in Flood fill when painted outside of the selection
- Show message to switch to ScreenHunter 7 Pro 32-bit when no 64-bit scanners are installed
- The recording duration is shown on the title bar
- Simplified the notification dialog for easy picking
- Improved that objects on an image will not be moved when adding a border to the image
- Improved flood fill to use selection as a mask when painted outside of the selection
- Faster and more powerful with new 64-bit memory management. The new setup automatically uninstalls the previous version.
- Speedy image processing, high-quality zooming, and Image Editor can handle image sizes of 25,000×25,000 pixels
- Improved full screen recording on 4k monitors
- TIFF file supported, capture, edit, and save
- Short help messages in Image Editor
- Double-click cropping
- Improved auto scroll to capture scrolling windows with a fixed header on top
- Stability improvements
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Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.
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