Icon Commander 1.40

Icon Commander converts images of any format into Windows and Mac OS X icons. You can find many images on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your desktop, in applications and much more.
Icon Commander have rich collection of icon styles. With Icon Commander you can create Windows and Mac OS X Icon with a single action. It supports Windows Vista icons with alpha channel and new Leopard Mac OS X icons.
This program allows the unique opportunity of creating pretty icons with no need to possess any design skills. This is possible because the so-called “How to create Icon with transparent background”. The author’s job is as simple as selecting a style he likes and get an outstanding icon with little or no effort!
Icon Commander supports all major image formats, such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, PSD, TGA, PCX, and TIFF. Please note that the following formats are to be used for converting images to an icon with the original transparency: BMP (32-bit), PNG (24-bit with alpha-channel), and Photoshop PSD.
Often times, source images do not demonstrate the best quality. Digital shots’ typical problems include poor contrast, oversaturated images, overdosing of blue color, and many others. Icon Commander offers several editing tools that allow solving these and other problems.
Changes in Version 1.40 (28 November 2009):
- Added: Mac OS X Tiger support
- Added: Linux OS support
- Fixed: Few minor bugs
Homepage – https://www.binerus.com/iconcommander/
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 2000 and highest,
- Mac OS X 10.4 and highest,
- Linux
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