DesignCAD 3D MAX 2021 30.0 Release 27.1.2022

IMSI DesignCAD 3D MAX 2021 is an easy-to-use, versatile CAD tool. That’s perfect for novice designers, but powerful enough to create high-quality 2D/3D designs, models and animations.
The latest release of this award-winning IMSI software supports AutoCAD 2021 drawing files, NURBS curves, 3D modeling engine improvements, new 3D display modes, and scaleable icons for high-resolution monitors.
The intuitive interface and extensive online help make it easy to design anything. From simple hobby projects to professional precision drawings. It’s everything you need! 2D drafting and 3D modeling have never been easier.
Design everything from furniture, decks, floorplans and architectural drawings to engineering layouts, electronic schematics, plats, maps, elevations and even toys for hobbies.
Access a full range of powerful 3D modeling primitives, including box, sphere, hemisphere, pyramid, cylinder, cone and torus. Utilize Boolean operations, including solid add, solid subtract, and slice, to shape your 3D parts.
Add materials to your model to create presentation ready designs. Intuitive yet sophisticated editing tools, advanced geometric construction capabilities, drawing short cut keys and complete layer management make 2D drafting a breeze.
In addition to its 2D Mode, DesignCAD is a true three-dimensional CAD system. You can use it to construct realistic 3D models of your projects. Show them in wireframe view, with hidden lines removed, or with full-color shading – from any viewing angle. You can also create animation files which step the viewer around your drawing in smooth increments.
Easy to Learn and Use 2D/3D Design
An intuitive interface and extensive online help makes it easy to get started. Design 2D drawings fast and easy. Create complex 3D shapes by simply extruding from 2D shapes.
Beautiful Rendering
Apply a variety of materials, textures, colors, brush styles, shading and light effects to create stunning images. Customize material textures to further enhance the realism.
Architectural Symbols
Access 600 editable 3D models to quickly drag and drop into your architectural designs. Each colorful, fully texture-mapped symbol you can modify to your exact specification.
Import/Export SketchUp Files
DesignCAD 3D MAX is now able to both import and export drawings to/from the .SKP format for use with SketchUp versions 3.0 to 2018.
STL Support for 3D Printing – Import and export 3D models in STL format, one of the most commonly used file formats for 3D printing.
Import/Export OBJ Files – OBJ files are a common means of exchanging 3D models, and can be used by many other CAD and solid or surface-modeling programs. Note that DesignCAD’s OBJ capabilities are limited to geometry only. Materials and texture mapping the program does not support.
Triangulate Surface Command
Reduce all faces of a Solid Surface object to triangles, helpful when converting the drawing to a different drawing format like OBJ, DWG, DXF, STL, SKP
More Vector Formats Supported – In addition to those listed above, DesignCAD can also import WMF, HPGL, and XYZ and export or save to WMF, HPGL, RIB, VRML, WPG and PDF.
GIF Image Support and More – DesignCAD also supports several image formats including .BMP, .TIF, .JPG, .TGA, .PCX, .PNG, and .GIF.
AutoCAD DWG/DXF Compatible and more
Import/Export AutoCAD files from R12 through 2019 and enjoy excellent compatibility with AutoCAD layouts and PaperSpace, plus support for AutoCAD layers, linestyles, views, and blocks in both DXF and DWG file formats. DesignCAD even offers limited support for architectural objects, which are recognized and exploded to DesignCAD equivalents.
What’s New in DesignCAD 3D MAX 2019:
- Support for AutoCAD 2019 drawing files;
- NURBS curves;
- A mixed 3D rendering mode combining shaded and hidden line views;
- A new 3D rendering mode that indicates which facets of a solid or surface are facing inward or outward;
- A new tool to examine solid surfaces for potential leaks;
- Automatic hatching of 2D objects;
- Improved symbol, block and image management; a
- A new option allowing you to scale text as you place it.
What’s New in DesignCAD 3D MAX 2018:
- AutoCAD 2018 Import/Export Support
- New Icon Scaling Option
- New Control Curve Command
- New Arc Tangent to 2 Lines Command
- New AutoHatch Feature
- New Text Option: Dynamic Scaling
- Insert Manager Improvements
- New Normals Shading Mode
- New Mixed-Mode Shading Mode
- New Is Solid Watertight Command
- New Solid Leaks Test Command
- Improved Solid Engine
Homepage – DesignCAD 3D Max is delivered in a 64-bit version to take full advantage of your hardware’s available computer memory to load, process, and render CAD files. A 32-bit version is also available if required by your hardware.
64-bit System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 7 (64-bit), 4GB RAM; 750 MB free hard drive space
32-bit System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, 4GB RAM; 750 MB free hard drive space
Size: 145 MB
DOWNLOAD DesignCAD 3D MAX 2021 Trial for Win x64
DOWNLOAD DesignCAD 3D MAX 2019 Trial for Win x86
DOWNLOAD DesignCAD 3D MAX 2019 Trial for Win x64
Serial No: DECR-4096-0667-3310-4180; Activation Code: 170B-9B92-4777-4C39
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