UltraVNC – Remote PC Access

UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free remote PC access software. It can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen.
The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location.
VNC, the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) allows a desktop to be view and controll remotely over the Internet. A VNC server must run on the computer sharing the desktop. A VNC client must run on the computer that will access the shared desktop.
If you provide computer support, you can quickly access your customer’s computers from anywhere and resolve helpdesk issues remotely! With addons like SingleClick your customers don’t even have to pre-install software or execute complex procedures to get remote helpdesk support.
UltraVNC sports a number of advanced features making it unique among the various flavors of VNC. A special graphics mirror driver for ultrafast remote controlling, integration of Windows authentication and various encryption plugins provide superior functionality.
UltraVNC Key features:
File transfer, Video driver, optional Encryption Plugins, MS Logon, Text chat, Viewer Toolbar, Java Viewer with File Transfer, as well as Auto scaling and Server Side Scaling, Multiple-Monitors-support, Repeater/Proxy-support, Auto reconnection, good performances and tons of other functionalities.
UltraVNC Addons:
Repeater, SingleClick generator and NATtoNAT connectors, that help you to easily handle the most complex connection situations.
Changes in Version (2023-10-22):
- msi installer fixes
- SC embedded encryption fix
- Fix Crash on close
Changes in Version (2023-09-24):
- inno setup update dll’s ( security)
- openssl 3.1.2 ( security)
- Fix vncviewer.exe a.b.c.d -position 300 200 1200 800 -noborder -directx -notoolbar -nostatus
- buffer to small viewer crash
Changes in Version (2023-07-07):
- Handle leak fix
Changes in Version (2023-06-27):
- MRU patch
- GNOME RD screen size fix
- Edge crash windows 11 fix
- MSlogon I domain fix
- update ddengine (headless systems)
- balloon fix
- installed fix
- minor leaks fixed
- FileTransfer security fix
Changes in Version (2023-04-16):
- update lib zstd 1.5.5, libzma 5.4.2 libjpeg
- SC_20 fix international char, disable UAC
- Fix install winvnc as service with custom name was not detected as service
Changes in Version (2023-03-09):
- security fix
- SC2.0 load ini changes
- patch Handle ‘Z_STREAM_END’ in zlib stream decompression
- patch Adding key mapping logic for `Korean/English` transition key (#65)
- Dns lookup take to long, log back by ip address
Homepage – https://www.uvnc.com
UltraVNC runs under Windows operating systems (Windows 7, 8, 10, 11..). Its embedded Java Viewer allows you to connect (and make File transfers) from a simple Web Browser on any Operating system supporting Java (Linux, Mac OS…) to an UltraVNC server.
Size: 4.55 MB
DOWNLOAD UltraVNC for Windows 32-bit
DOWNLOAD UltraVNC for Windows 64-bit
DOWNLOAD UltraVNC Portable
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