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MetaX 2.89.0 – movie tagging

MetaX 2.89.0 – movie tagging
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MetaX is a movie tagging program for MP4, M4V, MOV, AVI, MKV and WMV files. When you want your movies to look as good as those purchased from iTunes, with cover art, descriptions, ratings, actors and more, you NEED MetaX.

With only a mouse click or two, MetaX will scour all the major sources of movie and TV information on the web: TVDB, TheMovieDB, and Amazon, as well as IMDB and Yahoo posters and display the information.

You can select from multiple entries to get just the look you want, then quickly write the tags into the file so that it shows up in iTunes, Apple TV or whatever media play you use, just like it would if you had purchased the movie from iTunes.

MetaX has lots of preferences that allow it to work the way you want it to. You can configure MetaX to copy the tagged file to a different location, set the filename or title based on information from the show (title, year, showName, season, episode and more).

You can have MetaX pull the movie name or TV Show, season and episode number from the filename, you can save a copy of the untagged file, you can specify which data sources you want to use, and what order to display them in the search results, and have MetaX automatically update iTunes and MovieLibrary when it tags a file.

Great for TV Shows

By using the TVDB you can tag an entire season of episodes with just a couple of clicks.

Find Great Cover Art

You can get cover art from any of the data sources (theMovieDB, theTVDb, Amazon or Yahoo). You can also use files you’ve downloaded, use cut and paste from websites, and even select a frame from the movie itself

Set Ratings for Parental Control

Set the rating of a show to allow parental controls to work. You can even use country specific ratings for the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Ireland and Japan.

Import data from MyMovies or other XML files

MetaX will import data from the MyMovies files, or from NFO files.

Changes in version 2.87:

  • fix bug if clear after writing and enable vm checking both checked
  • if no data for dvd order, let them know
  • use v1 for vsmeta
  • don’t read data broke reading tv episodes
  • add role to nfo
  • encode thumb in actors field
  • emit hours and minutes in nfo file
  • fix bug in write nfo
  • don’t have checkall write kodi info
  • if my documents folder was moved, say where to

Changes in version 2.86:

  • Fixed bug with autotag and watched directory
  • Added tag for 4K
  • Substitute strings work for tv episode ID
  • Get the season description and copyright for TV Shows from iTunes
  • Trim search term
  • Add parm for tvdbalternateorder
  • Import / Create vsmeta files
  • Add context menu to import jpgs
  • Add /u switch to just update a file (no move/copy/ML)
  • Fix get ratings
  • Save option to maintain aspect ratio
  • Add option to not read any data from the files
  • Add option to force TV Episode name to short description
  • Check for all fields available before writing
  • Fix Copy function when recursing
  • Add filter on year for TV Shows
  • Add XBMCTVOnly option
  • Fix bugs when resizing cover art

Changes in version 2.85:

  • Fix change font
  • Add frame width for hd flag as preference
  • allow %6 in episode renaming
  • use correct field for category id
  • make tvdb exact match work for movies
  • get all tmdb results for tv show
  • don’t use episode cover art unless requested
  • after nuking tags, clear the data

Homepage – https://www.danhinsley.com/metax/

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.

Size: 18.4 MB


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