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Titan SFTP Server

Titan SFTP Server
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Titan SFTP Server is a security-focused SFTP server for business. It is trusted by more than 30,000 companies worldwide. Ideal for managing a distributed workforce, Titan SFTP Server provides secure transfers, automation and flexible user authentication.

It is developed and supported by an award-winning team of engineers that are passionately focused on exceeding your file transfer requirements and providing you an unparalleled customer experience.

You control your security

Titan SFTP Server uses the latest encryption standards to ensure your transfers are secure. Automation rules are available to thwart hacking attempts, and granular permission settings ensure only authorized users can access files. Titan SFTP security features include:

  • Support for password and host key authentication
  • Granular user permissions
  • Protection against DoS attacks and Password Guessing
  • IP Whitelisting and Blacklisting
  • Ability to ban or kick users
  • Active directory, LDAP and hybrid authentication
  • Supports secure transfers using SFTP or TLS
  • Support for AV Scanning through ICAP interface
  • Optional Titan DMZ Server protection.

Exceeding Your SFTP Expectations:

Supported Protocols

  • FTP/S (FTP with TLS)
  • SFTP
  • HTTP and HTTP/S
  • IPv6

Host Key Support

  • Supports SSH format Keys
  • Password protection of imported host keys
  • Imports .pub format

Virtual Folders

  • Easily Enable Access Network Directories
  • Server, Group, or User Level
  • Easily add a UNC path

Admin Tools

  • Web-based Admin Console
  • Multiple Logging Formats
  • REST API and Command-line Utility
  • Activity Monitor


  • Over 100 Event Actions
  • Scheduled or by Trigger
  • AV scans, Backups, Reports
  • Shut down Hackers

File Management

  • Supports Compression
  • Ban File Types
  • Preserve or Convert Case
  • Resume Transfers

Account Controls

  • Granular Configuration
  • Enable/Disable Accounts
  • Settings Customization
  • Account Expiration


  • Native Authentication
  • Active Directory or LDAP
  • Hybrid Authentication
  • Trusted TLS Certificates

Flexible Licensing

  • On-site licensing
  • Cloud deployment
  • Hybrid Infrastructure
  • Simple to scale

Titan SFTP Server can be deployed in whatever environment you choose. While traditional on-premises licensing is readily available, we know the value of having a fully-featured SFTP server in the cloud.

Titan SFTP Server is available in the Azure, AWS and Google marketplaces for both Windows and Linux. Titan cloud offerings provide the security and performance of an on-premises SFTP solution, with the flexibility and lower upfront costs that the cloud provides. And, you can easily add servers to accommodate peak processing requirements while controlling costs.

  • Easy to setup and configure in the cloud.
  • No need to maintain expensive hardware or worry about server repair and replacement costs.
  • Preconfigured to streamline the setup process
  • Configure BLOB Storage seamlessly.
  • Use AD to pull users into Titan cloud, just as with on-premises AD.

Changes in Titan SFTP Server (2024-06-28):

Features and Enhancements

  • There is a completely new Web-Based Administration Console
  • Hybrid Authentication is now supported – The AdminUI enables configuration for multiple back-end authentication engines. Multiple instances of each engine can also be configured
  • Role-Based Administration is now available
  • If any issues arise during the initialization of the software, i.e, issues which prevent the software from determining the location of logfiles, logfiles will be written to the \ProgramData\South River Technologies\\Logs\ folder. On Windows, the \ProgramData\ folder is hidden by default under Windows Explorer

Bug Fixes:

  • When using ADSI/LDAP authetication user login would result in querying groups that a user was a member of even if not specifically added as a group to Titan.
  • When importing from legacy the user account enabled setting was not being imported
  • Fix for user account expiration being lost when editing a user in admin UI
  • Changing a user profile from the web interface by end user could result in group membership being lost
  • REST API set user parameters would fail for LDAP users if the user had not already been cached.
  • Legacy import of configurations that used %userdir% syntax for file permissions where not being handled properly
  • Fix for memory spike when downloading or upload large files via the web interface

Homepage – https://southrivertech.com

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows Server 2016 or later, all 64-bit editions (32-bit is not supported)
  • Windows 10 Professional TH1 1507 or later, 64-bit (32-bit is not supported)
  • The Web-based Admin Console and the WebUI require the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) is not supported

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