Explorer Commander by WinTools.info

Explorer Commander is a two or four panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.
An advantage of Microsoft File Explorer is that it is a fundamental part of Windows, so it provides efficient access to the file system and the components of installed programs that are integrated into the system. Its main disadvantage is that it doesn’t support multi-panel mode. As a workaround, you can open multiple File Explorer windows, but this method is also clumsy.
Explorer Commander offer a multi-panel expansion for Windows Explorer. The application was created using the original explorer.exe process. This process performs various tasks, e.g. Windows shell, File Explorer, etc. These tasks might as well be performed by individual processes. They were probably incorporated into a single combined process due to compatibility reasons.
Features of Explorer Commander:
- Two- or four-panel layout
- Horizontal or vertical layout in case of two-panel mode
- Enables to set the display proportion of panels
- The place of panels can be swapped
- Enables the content of panels to open in File Explorer
- When started, it opens with the libraries which correspond to the last exit or the saved state
- It supports dark/light theme under Windows 10
- It can also run in the background
- Doesn’t require installation
- Free to use
Changes in Version (2024-06-03):
- Add: Brazilian Portuguese language
Changes in Version (2023-04-05):
- Add: Turkish language
- Add: Romanian language
Changes in Version (2023-01-25):
- Add: Turkish language
Changes in Version (2022-12-20):
- Update: Windows 11 compatible
Changes in Version (2022-07-25):
- Accepts extended [3 years] activation key
Changes in Version (2022-04-05):
- Add: 10/90 and 90/10 proportions
- Add: “View – Refresh” menu shortcut
- Add: “Proportions – Default and Refresh” menu
Changes in Version (2021-07-25):
- Add: Russian language
Changes in Version (2021-07-19):
- Add: Hebrew language
Changes in Version (2021-07-165):
- Add: German language
Changes in Version (2021-07-15):
- Add: Slovenian language
- Bugfix: “Custom language” menu
Homepage – https://www.wintools.info
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Windows 11 is not supported
Size: 436 KB
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